Trauma Informed School

We have adopted an approach that recognises and responds to the impact of trauma on students' lives and behaviour. Our staff are trained to be sensitive to the potential trauma students may carry with them, such as abuse; neglect; violence, or other adverse life events. These can significantly affect their emotional, psychological, and social well-being and are often expressed through behaviour.

All behaviour is communication

Our work is grounded in the following key principles:

  1. Safety: Creating a safe and supportive environment is paramount. This includes physical safety, emotional safety, and a sense of belonging for all students.

  2. Trustworthiness: Building trusting relationships between staff and students is crucial. Students need to feel that they can rely on the adults in the school to provide consistent and compassionate support.

  3. Choice and Empowerment: Trauma-informed schools aim to empower students by providing them with choices and opportunities for autonomy whenever possible.

  4. Collaboration and Support: Schools work collaboratively with students, families, and the community to provide a network of support and resources.

  5. Understanding the Impact of Trauma: School staff are educated about the effects of trauma on development, behaviour, and learning. This knowledge helps them respond empathetically to students' needs.

  6. Holistic Approach: Trauma-informed schools address the whole child, taking into account their emotional, social, and academic needs.

  7. Resilience Building: The school focuses on helping students build resilience and coping skills to overcome challenges.