Holyhead high school05546

Subject Options

Key Stage 4

Whilst our pupils are in Year 9 they are provided with taster lessons in our options subjects, allowing them to make an informed decision on what subjects they wish to study for their GCSE years.

In Year 10 all pupils will study English, Welsh, Maths, Numeracy, Science and Welsh Baccalaureate; however they will also choose three subjects from the option columns below.  Physical Education sessions are also timetabled weekly.   Those with the necessary skills will also study English Literature, along with the English Language GCSE.

Great care should be taken by pupils when choosing their options.  As a school we fully support our pupils through this process by providing information on courses through focussed assemblies, and holding an options evening in the spring term (please see our calendar for these exact dates).

Key Stage 5

Year 11 pupils are then also provided the opportunity to discuss A Level options through a “Return to Sixth Form” evening (again, dates can be found on our school calendar).  All year 11 pupils are additionally provided bespoke support in making their decisions through assembly sessions led by our Head of Sixth Form.

Please see examples of both our Year 9 and Sixth Form options below. At key times of the school year a separate document will be shared with all pupils and parents to guide them through that year’s options process.