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Grant Funding
Did you know?
Grants are available to help families on low incomes to buy school uniforms and equipment.
Learners receiving free school meals can get a Welsh Government grant if they are:
- Entering reception class in primary school
- At the start of any of the key stages (e.g., Key Stage 2, 3 or 4)
- Ages 4, 7, 11 or 14 in special schools, special needs resource bases or pupil referral units.
Funding for looked after children is available in every school year.Primary and Secondary school children are entitled to up to £225 towards uniform and equipment, or £300 if they are in Year 7 to help with the additional costs of starting secondary school.
This funding is designed to cover school uniform and sports kit, equipment for out-of-school hours trips (including outdoor learning), and equipment for activities within the curriculum such as design and technology.
Further information on how to apply, along with all forms can be found here: